Open Science: Making Fly Tracking Open 2012-08-11


Use the link to access the video and recently published papers introduced in the following blog post: “Today appeared our two companion papers on tracking individual fruit flies or their larvae in PLoS ONE. While our colleagues Alex Gomez-Marin and Matthieu Louis in Spain described work on larval locomotion, our paper was about tracking adult flies in Buridan's paradigm ... What I particularly like about our two papers is that they're moving us a step closer to making science more open. All the code used in this work is completely open and accessible to anybody. We also made the raw data available for download, so anybody can use the software and check our results or come up with clever new ways to analyze it. Currently, we're working on the technology to make the data publicly available at the time of analysis, rather than publication and to have that data stored in semantic databases, taking advantage of semantic web technology. The first and corresponding author of our paper, Julien Colomb is the person behind this project. He is currently collaborating with Mark Hahnel from FigShare to work on the technicalities on hooking up our R-Scripts, which do all the analysis with the database at FigShare. We've also started thinking about an ontology for (fly) behavior, but this work hasn't really taken off, yet. Read the press release here. Below are the two abstracts and links to the full publications...”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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08/11/2012, 10:07

Date published:

08/11/2012, 14:22