SPARC OA Forum: Research shows growing awareness and uptake of Open Access publishing by authors 2012-08-20
An announcement sent to the SPARC OA Forum states, “Today InTech, an Open Access publisher, has published the results of a survey appraising attitudes and awareness of the research community towards the Open Access (OA) business model in scholarly publishing. The InTech white paper: ‘Open Access: Awareness and Attitudes amongst the Author Community, is based on a review of current research and a survey sent to 20,000 STM researchers worldwide. The survey attracted an overall response rate of 1.3%, with 275 participants taking part and 253 (92%) completing it. The majority of respondents were researchers (75%) based at a university (70%). The data was sourced from an independent provider of contact data for the research community (Mardev)... The full results can be downloaded from:**ckeditor/kcfinder/upload/** files/InTech_WhitePaper_**FutureofOA_Dec11.pdf “