Building it together: collaboration in university-based open access book publishing - Insights: the UKSG journal - Volume 27, Supplement 1 /2014 - UKSG 2014-04-12


Use the link to access the full text article published in UKSG Insights.  The abstract reads as follows: "Open access (OA) book publishing in the humanities and social sciences is becoming technically more feasible and financially more desirable. After securing funding for the development of a business model based on a pilot book series, the University of Heidelberg is joining this development and building an infrastructure to publish OA books on campus. The challenges facing such new publishing outlets are considerable. This article argues that the best strategy to build the prestige, affordability and competitiveness necessary to succeed is collaboration. Accomplishing this within the OA community will prove less difficult than extending collaboration beyond it because many agencies and individuals still lack information about, and are often unconvinced of, the merits of open access. The key lies in offering excellence in manuscript development to revitalize the most important collaboration of all: that between publisher and author."


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Date tagged:

04/12/2014, 08:31

Date published:

04/12/2014, 06:18