Calibrating the parameters: changing hearts and minds about open access monographs - Insights: the UKSG journal - Volume 27, Supplement 1 /2014 - UKSG 2014-04-12


Use the link to access the full text article from UKSG Insights.  The abstract reads as follows: "The advent of open access (OA) publishing presents welcome new opportunities for reducing the barriers of cost and time to the dissemination of research work in UK universities. However, it does present some challenges to the traditional model of monograph publication in the humanities and social sciences. In common with many other academic institutions, the University of Sussex is developing policies that will permit it to embrace OA publication. This paper describes how, in doing this, Sussex is addressing the challenges associated with OA to ensure that the careers of doctoral students, academics and researchers are not affected adversely by the change in the publishing landscape for monographs both in the UK and internationally."


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Date tagged:

04/12/2014, 08:44

Date published:

04/12/2014, 06:20