House Republicans: Copyright Law Destroys Markets; It's Time For Real Reform | Techdirt 2012-11-20


"Update: Wow. It took less than 24 hours for the RSC to fold to Hollywood pressure. They have now retracted the report and attempted to claim that it was not properly vetted ... Right after the Presidential election last week, Chris Sprigman and Kal Raustiala penned an opinion piece suggesting that one way the Republicans could "reset", and actually attract the youth vote, would be to become the party of copyright reform. We had actually wondered if that was going to happen back during the SOPA fight, when it was the Republicans who bailed on the bill, while most of those who kept supporting it were Democrats. Since then, however, there hadn't been much movement. Until now. Late on Friday, the Republican Study Committee, which is the caucus for the House Republicans, released an amazing document debunking various myths about copyright law and suggesting key reforms. If you're used to Congress not understanding copyright, prepare to be surprised. It's clear, thorough and detailed about just how problematic copyright has become and why it needs to change. To give you a sense of where the document heads, note the final line: Current copyright law does not merely distort some markets -- rather it destroys entire markets. There is a lot in this document, and we can't go through it all, but I highly recommend reading through it. The three 'myths' it attacks are ... "


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Date tagged:

11/20/2012, 13:38

Date published:

11/20/2012, 08:38