Collection Management Section MidWinter Forum | ALA Connect 2012-12-19


Use the link to access more information about the upcoming conference and workshop.  "Over the past decade, consolidation of the publishing industry, accompanied by unsustainable pricing models has created a crisis in scholarly communication that affects universities, libraries, faculty, and students.  Nationally and internationally, libraries are being forced to decrease access to scholarly publishing due to increasing journal costs and declining budgets.  In response, libraries and scholars have taken a leadership role in the area of open access to deal with the crisis and attempt to make the current model more sustainable.  As libraries continue to lead open access efforts, it is important to educate librarians on the issues of scholarly communication so they can collaborate with faculty and become a part of an effective scholarly communication program.  In addition, it is vital for libraries to have a formalized strategy to incorporate open access into collection development policies and activities to continue this momentum.  The ALCTS Collection Management Section and the ACRL Science and Technology Section are co-sponsoring a Forum to discuss these issues."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »

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Date tagged:

12/19/2012, 12:52

Date published:

12/19/2012, 07:52