MDPI | Announcements 2013-01-02


"We are pleased to announce the launch of Antioxidants, a new journal related to the science and technology of antioxidants led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Stanley Omaye. Prof. Dr. Stanley Omaye of the University of Nevada, said: 'Antioxidants, whether from diet or pharmacological supplementation, gained significant popularity among scientists and lay public in recent years. I am glad to act as the Editor in Chief for this new Open Access journal, and we invite all researchers in the field to provide results of their studies as well as their comments and opinions for or against antioxidant supplementation in this journal. We hope that Antioxidants will become an invaluable resource to those working in Antioxidants research and the wider scientific community.'"


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01/02/2013, 11:30

Date published:

01/02/2013, 06:30