First Open Economics International Workshop | Open Knowledge Foundation Blog 2013-01-02


"On 17-18 December, economics and law professors, data publishers, practitioners and representatives from international institutions will gather at Emmanuel College, Cambridge for the First Open Economics International Workshop. From showcasing the examples of successes in collaborative economic research and open data to reviewing the legal cultural and other barriers to information sharing, this event aims to build an understanding of the value of open data and open tools for the economics profession and the obstacles to opening up information in economics. The workshop will also explore the role of greater openness in broadening understanding of and engagement with economics among the wider community including policy-makers and society. This event is part of the Open Economics project, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and is a key step in identifying best practice as well as legal, regulatory and technical barriers and opportunities for open economic data. A statement on the Open Economics Principles will be produced as a result of the workshop.


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01/02/2013, 13:21

Date published:

01/02/2013, 08:21