Funds for 1 petabyte raised, 3 to go! (please help) | Internet Archive Blogs 2013-01-03


"With help from a generous, anonymous donor who’s matching other donations three to one through the end of the year, we now have enough funding to buy a new Petabox! We now have only seventeen days left to get the three more we’ll need in 2013. These massive servers are the backbone of the Archive, and critical to our continued growth. To all of you who’ve contributed to our fundraising drive, thanks from all of us here at the Internet Archive. If you can help us reach our goal by making a tax-deductible donation, we’d be grateful."


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Tags: oa.crowd oa.funding oa.funders oa.fundraising oa.announcements oa.internet_archive

Date tagged:

01/03/2013, 13:40

Date published:

01/03/2013, 08:40