Le libre accès et le financement de projets de recherche transversaux : des vecteurs d'interdisciplinarité dans l'économie de la connaissance ? - Cairn.info

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-05-22


Use the link to access the full text article published in the European Journal of Social Sciences.  The abstract reads as follows: [From Google's English] "Interdisciplinarity occupies a key position in the knowledge economy. Synonymous with creativity, it is seen as a driver of innovation and growth. At European level, interdisciplinarity is now strongly encouraged mainly through two key issues that seem to play an increasing role in European politics. First open access, in which a number of beliefs are associated including a positive impact on creativity, innovation and interdisciplinarity. Then, project finance cross-disciplinary research in the European Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. What are the impacts of these policies on the practice of intellectual work and conduct interdisciplinary research? And to what extent the policies in favor of free access they provide a cognitive gain and are they actually carry meaning? This article's objective is to examine these issues and to begin thinking about these issues in isolation from speech and ideological intention."



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Date tagged:

05/22/2014, 11:48

Date published:

05/22/2014, 02:08