Tag "oa.boycotts" – 10 items
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The Research Works Act (RWA): Why scientific publishing needs FOSS methods
Items tagged with oa.eprints in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 02/25/2012
oa.wiley oa.usa oa.springer oa.signatures oa.scholastica oa.rwa oa.repositories oa.publishers oa.prices oa.prestige oa.policies oa.plos oa.petitions oa.peer_review oa.pearson oa.panton oa.oad oa.nih oa.new oa.negative oa.metrics oa.mandates oa.licensing oa.libre oa.legislation oa.journals oa.impact oa.history_of oa.green oa.gold oa.github oa.frpaa oa.floss oa.figshare oa.elsevier oa.declarations oa.crowd oa.copyright oa.comment oa.citations oa.cc oa.business_models oa.boycotts oa.boai oa.arxiv oa.advocacy oa.journals oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.repositories oa.mandates oa.legislation oa.green oa.advocacy oa.elsevier oa.copyright oa.cc oa.declarations oa.peer_review oa.crowd oa.impact oa.floss oa.citations eprints -
What is up with Elsevier?
Items tagged with oa.repec in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 06/12/2012
oa.ssh oa.new oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.comment oa.usa oa.legislation oa.rwa oa.nih oa.advocacy oa.signatures oa.petitions oa.boycotts oa.elsevier oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.metrics oa.costs oa.librarians oa.prices oa.profits oa.citations oa.springer oa.economics os.ssh oa.databases.bibliographic repec -
RUK: The Maturing Threat of Open Access - TheStreet
Items tagged with oa.repec in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 05/31/2012
oa.wikipedia oa.wellcome oa.versions oa.usa oa.universities oa.uk oa.twitter oa.technical.u.munich oa.sustainability oa.stem oa.ssrn oa.ssh oa.springer oa.sopa oa.social_media oa.signatures oa.rwa oa.rup oa.resignations oa.repositories oa.recommendations oa.publishers oa.profits oa.prestige oa.policies oa.plos oa.pipa oa.philpapers oa.petitions oa.ostp oa.npg oa.nih oa.new oa.mathematics oa.mandates oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.legislation oa.journals oa.impact oa.hei oa.harvard.u oa.green oa.government oa.gold oa.funders oa.frpaa oa.fees oa.fakeelsevier oa.encouragement oa.elsevier oa.economics_of oa.costs oa.copyright oa.comment oa.colleges oa.citations oa.cancellations oa.business_models oa.budgets oa.boycotts oa.bmc oa.arxiv oa.advocacy oa.access2research oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.policies oa.comment oa.repositories oa.mandates oa.legislation oa.green oa.universities oa.advocacy oa.elsevier oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.impact oa.costs oa.sustainability oa.librarians oa.stm oa.funders oa.bmc oa.recommendations oa.citations oa.harvard.u oa.preprints repec preprints government -
The impact of funding agency open access policies
Items tagged with oa.repec in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 04/03/2012
oa.wellcome oa.usa oa.uk oa.ssrn oa.signatures oa.rwa oa.roar oa.repositories oa.rcuk oa.publishers oa.policies oa.petitions oa.opendoar oa.ojs oa.nih oa.new oa.mandates oa.legislation oa.journals oa.ia oa.hybrid oa.growth oa.green oa.gold oa.funders oa.frpaa oa.embargoes oa.elsevier oa.doaj oa.deposits oa.copyright oa.comment oa.cihr oa.canada oa.business_models oa.boycotts oa.base oa.arxiv oa.advocacy oa.new oa.dramatic.growth oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.policies oa.comment oa.repositories oa.mandates oa.legislation oa.green oa.advocacy oa.elsevier oa.copyright oa.uk oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.doar repec doaj