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There are currently 14 tags prefixed with . in use in this hub.
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- oa.journals 109
- oa.empirical 107
- oa.studies 101
- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 95
- oa.impact 87
- oa.citations 81
- oa.advantage 78
- 41
- oa.metrics 37
- oa.medicine 23
- oa.comparisons 21
- oa.altmetrics 19
- oa.south 15
- 14
- oa.ssh 13
- 13
- oa.benefits 13
- oa.paywalled 13
- oa.fees 12
- oa.quality 9
- oa.growth 9
- oa.economics_of 9
- oa.repositories 8
- oa.usage 8
- oa.books 7
- oa.downloads 7
- oa.discoverability 7
- 6
- oa.lis 4
- oa.india 4
- oa.libraries 4
- oa.social_media 4
- oa.authors 4
- 4
- 4
- 4
- oa.disciplines 4
- 3
- oa.publishers 3
- oa.usa 3
- oa.universities 3
- oa.hybrid 3
- oa.reports 3
- oa.jif 3
- 3
- oa.economics 3
- oa.economic_impact 3
- oa.hei 3
- oa.speed 3
- oa.dentistry 3
- oa.korea 3
- oa.biology 2
- oa.business_models 2
- oa.policies 2
- oa.conversions 2
- oa.mandates 2
- oa.netherlands 2
- oa.peer_review 2
- oa.up 2
- oa.books.sales 2
- oa.librarians 2
- 2
- oa.psychology 2
- oa.pharma 2
- oa.recommendations 2
- oa.biomedicine 2
- oa.china 2
- oa.south_africa 2
- oa.journalism 2
- oad.notice 2
- oa.google_scholar 2
- 2
- oa.gender 2
- oa.vietnam 2
- oa.communication 2
- oa.orthopedics 2
- oa.collaboration 2
- oa.oncology 2
- oa.policies.universities 2
- oa.sports_science 2
- oa.citations 2
- oa.anthropology 1
- oa.nih 1
- 1
- 1
- oa.elsevier 1
- oa.australia 1
- oa.surveys 1
- oa.europe 1
- oa.costs 1
- oa.brazil 1
- oa.twitter 1
- oa.geo 1
- oa.funding 1
- 1
- oa.sustainability 1
- oa.patents 1
- oa.funders 1
- oa.oapen 1
- oa.latin_america 1
- oa.denmark 1
- oa.development 1
- oa.sweden 1
- oa.doaj 1
- oa.wikipedia 1
- oa.preprints 1
- oa.canada 1
- oa.ssrn 1
- oa.sociology 1
- oa.publishing 1
- oa.finland 1
- oa.north_america 1
- oa.norway 1
- oa.indexes 1
- oa.peerj 1
- 1
- oa.food_science 1
- oa.scopus 1
- 1
- oa.researchgate 1
- oa.taiwan 1
- oa.versions 1
- oa.paleontology 1
- oa.wos 1
- oa.f1000_research 1
- oa.megajournals 1
- oa.mit_press 1
- oa.ill 1
- 1
- oa.ethnobiology 1
- oa.languages 1
- oa.culture 1
- oa.psychiatry 1
- oa.big_deals 1
- oa.springer_nature 1
- oa.policies.funders 1
- oa.radiology 1
- oa.dei 1
- oa.sdgs 1
- oa.gastroenterology 1
- oa.hematology 1
- oa.endocrinology 1
- 1
- oa.doaj 1
- oa.studies 1
- oa.impact 1
- oa.ssh 1