Input feed: protohedgehog's bookmarks
There are currently 224 tags in use in this hub.
There are currently 15613 tags prefixed with oa. in use in this hub.
There are currently 51 tags prefixed with os. in use in this hub.
There are currently 44 tags prefixed with a. in use in this hub.
There are currently 37 tags prefixed with ps. in use in this hub.
There are currently 35 tags prefixed with pa. in use in this hub.
There are currently 31 tags prefixed with o. in use in this hub.
There are currently 22 tags prefixed with ao. in use in this hub.
There are currently 15 tags prefixed with ru. in use in this hub.
There are currently 14 tags prefixed with . in use in this hub.
There are currently 10 tags prefixed with u. in use in this hub.
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- 83
- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 62
- oa.scienceopen 43
- oa.platforms 31
- oa.peer_review 21
- oa.journals 18
- oa.open_science 18
- oa.metrics 14
- oa.courseware 12
- oa.publishers 11
- 11
- oa.moocs 11
- 11
- oa.elsevier 10
- 10
- oa.floss 10
- oa.citations 10
- oa.discoverability 10
- 9
- oa.impact 9
- oa.versions 9
- oa.repositories 8
- oa.oer 8
- oa.orcid 8
- oa.collections 8
- oa.preprints 7
- oa.indexing 7
- 7
- oa.communities 6
- oa.business_models 5
- oa.policies 5
- oa.quality 5
- oa.funders 5
- oa.publishing 5
- oa.assessment 5
- oa.profiles 5
- 4
- 4
- oa.copyright 4
- oa.europe 4
- 4
- 4
- oa.infrastructure 4
- oa.osf 4
- oa.hei 4
- oa.ssh 3
- oa.south 3
- oa.arxiv 3
- oa.fees 3
- oa.reproducibility 3
- oa.github 3
- oa.doaj 3
- oa.credibility 3
- oa.altmetrics 3
- oa.cos 3
- oa.principles 3
- oa.monopoly 3
- oa.predatory 3
- oa.evaluation 3
- oa.asapbio 3
- oa.open_peer_review 3
- oa.education_international 3
- oa.open_science_mooc 3
- oa.universities 2
- oa.boycotts 2
- oa.crowd 2
- oa.attitudes 2
- oa.humanities 2
- oa.hybrid 2
- oa.climate 2
- oa.jif 2
- oa.recommendations 2
- 2
- oa.peerj 2
- oa.researchgate 2
- oa.crossref 2
- oa.paleontology 2
- oa.disciplines 2
- oa.obstacles 2
- oa.accessibility 2
- oa.guerrilla 2
- oa.culture 2
- oa.zenodo 2
- oa.dora 2
- oa.collaboration 2
- oa.code4oa 2
- oa.version_control 2
- oa.policies.funders 2
- oa.peer_review_week 2
- oa.paleorxiv 2
- oa.institutes 2
- oa.learning 2
- 2
- oa.democracy 2
- oa.biology 1
- oa.pubmed 1
- oa.conversions 1
- oa.negative 1
- oa.advocacy 1
- oa.signatures 1
- oa.petitions 1
- oa.societies 1
- oa.libraries 1
- oa.plos 1
- oa.treaties 1
- 1
- oa.harvesting 1
- oa.surveys 1
- oa.repositories.disciplinary 1
- oa.metadata 1
- oa.brazil 1
- oa.standards 1
- oa.intro 1
- oa.aaas 1
- oa.social_media 1
- oa.authors 1
- oa.up 1
- oa.prestige 1
- oa.chemistry 1
- oa.acs 1
- oa.germany 1
- oa.reuse 1
- oa.wiley 1
- oa.history_of 1
- oa.growth 1
- oa.memberships 1
- oa.incentives 1
- oa.lay 1
- oa.profits 1
- oa.ethics 1
- oa.networking 1
- oa.embargoes 1
- oa.latin_america 1
- oa.awareness 1
- oa.environment 1
- oa.greece 1
- indexing 1
- oa.studies 1
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- oa.elife 1
- oa.debates 1
- oa.openaire 1
- oa.canada 1
- 1
- oa.cancellations 1
- oa.iran 1
- oa.pmc 1
- oa.commercialization 1
- oa.f1000 1
- oa.scielo 1
- oa.summaries 1
- oa.indonesia 1
- oa.megajournals 1
- oa.bibliometrics 1
- oa.people 1
- oa.semantic 1
- 1
- oa.russia 1
- oa.palaeontology 1
- oa.plos_one 1
- oa.gates_foundation 1
- oa.content 1
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- training 1
- oa.readcube 1
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- aaas 1
- impact 1
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- oa.skills 1
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- oa.open_research 1
- oa.negotiations 1
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- oa.visualizations 1
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- oa.cabells 1
- platinum open access 1
- imperial college 1
- oa.paywall_watch 1
- oa.affiliations 1
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- oa.funders.public 1
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- oa.i4oc 1
- oa.i40c 1
- oa. preprints 1
- cite 1
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- oa.paywalls 1
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- oa.sci_comm 1
- oa.scholcomm 1
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- oa.integrated 1
- 1
- open_education 1
- oa.repositories.preprints 1
- oa.versiona 1
- oa.cwts 1
- oa.coi 1
- oa.bloacklists 1
- oa.opensciencemooc 1
- oa.unions 1
- oa.privatization 1
- oa.rstudio 1
- 1
- oa.values 1
- oa.knowledge 1