Trending Vaccine-Related Headlines
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Weekly update of US C19 cases and deaths – and C19 mRNA adverse events and deaths - XBB.1.5 now 40% in the US - Chinese has a vaxx for that to handle an expected 65 million new weekly cases
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 06/17/2023
PANDEMIC: COVID pandemic was a fraud, a lie, a hoax! There was never EVER a pandemic, never met the threshold of a pandemic & we were lied to deliberately for nefarious reasons by governments
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 06/17/2023
Comments - Excess deaths in UK 2021, 2022, 2023; why? is it the COVID mRNA technology based gene injection? Was the Malone, Kariko, Weissman mRNA technology modified that much by Pfizer that Malone can't fix it?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 06/17/2023
Comments - Dr. Naomi Wolf: "What's in the Pfizer documents?" VACCINE Family Night w/ Naomi Wolf 05.13.2023; excellent discussion by Dr. Wolf and company on the Pfizer documents & the hell of the mRNA technology
All trending vaccine-related headlines 06/17/2023