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Dr. James Thorp "at the end of the day they are still pushing the deadly shot, they all knew in February 2021 it was the deadliest drug ever"; Churches Bribed with $13 Billion to Push Covid Death Shot
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/22/2023
Comments - Dr. James Thorp "at the end of the day they are still pushing the deadly shot, they all knew in February 2021 it was the deadliest drug ever"; Churches Bribed with $13 Billion to Push Covid Death Shot
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/22/2023
Comments - FDA withdraws emergency use authorization (EUA) of original C19 mRNA injections – leaving the bivalent doses as the EUA approved C19 mRNA injections
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/22/2023
Comments - Van Egeren et al. states that 'Vaccines Alone Cannot Slow the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2'; the research is confusing & seems to play with the language; why? these mRNA technology shots DON'T work PERIOD!
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/23/2023