Remix: How to Grow Sweet Potatoes in Florida



Explore the art of growing sweet potatoes in Florida, a nutritious and versatile root vegetable perfect for the state's climate.

Understanding Sweet Potatoes

  1. Varieties for Florida: Choose Beauregard, Jewell, Porto Rico, and Georgia Jets for their resilience and yield.
  2. Nutritional Profile: Sweet potatoes are a powerhouse of vitamins, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants.
  3. Ideal Growing Conditions: They thrive in warm, sunny climates with well-drained soil at a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Avoid using plastic flower pots as they can retain excess moisture, leading to root issues.

Growing Sweet Potatoes in Florida

  1. Soil Preparation: Opt for sandy loam soil, rich in organic matter, and ensure good drainage.
  2. Planting Season: The ideal time is between March and June. In 15 gallon nursery pots, ensure adequate space for growth.
  3. Planting Process: Cut tubers with an eye, plant them in 4-6 inch deep holes, and space them 12-18 inches apart in a 20 gallon pot for optimal growth.

20 gallon pot

Caring for Your Crop

  1. Watering: Sweet potatoes need consistent watering, more so in Florida's heat.
  2. Fertilization: A balanced fertilizer applied every 4-6 weeks promotes healthy growth.
  3. Mulching and Weeds: Organic mulch helps with moisture and temperature control. Regular weeding is essential.
  4. Pest and Disease Management: Regular inspections and organic treatments help keep common pests and diseases at bay.

Cultivation Tips

  1. Monitoring Growth: Ensure plants get 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.
  2. Pruning and Training: Manage vine growth to prevent overcrowding and promote air circulation.
  3. Tackling Challenges: Address weather-related issues and nutrient deficiencies proactively.

Harvesting and Storage

  1. When to Harvest: Look for yellowing leaves and withering vines, usually after 90-120 days.
  2. Harvesting Method: Use a garden fork, gently extracting the sweet potatoes.
  3. Post-Harvest Care: Cure in a dry, ventilated area and store in a cool, dark place.


Growing sweet potatoes in Florida can be a fruitful endeavor. This guide equips you with the knowledge for successful planting, care, and harvesting, incorporating the best practices for using plastic flower pots, 15 gallon nursery pots, and 20 gallon pots.

