The wee country that roared: supporting Open Access in Scotland through institutional repositories — University of Strathclyde

Connotea Imports 2020-03-27


The 2019 CWTS Leiden statistics show 3 Scottish institutions in the Top 10 and 4 in the top 15 in Open Access. This presentation will focus on brief case studies of Scottish institutions and the growth of their institutional repository services as a demonstration of a wider national commitment to Open Access. It will also highlight Scotland’s Open Access journey from 2004 to today through the experience and expertise of these institutions and the support of the Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries (SCURL). This journey will include the conditions of their local environments, key drivers and a mix of approaches for success, choice of platform(s) and the challenges, at an institutional level in embedding open repositories. These case studies taken together will demonstrate the drive to ensure Scotland’s research is “Open for All” and further enable the global impact for research undertaken in Scottish institutions.


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03/27/2020, 09:09

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03/27/2020, 05:09