A World Record for Energy-Efficient Lighting

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2013-04-13


On Thursday, Philips announced that it has developed the world's most efficient "warm white" LED lamp. Designed to replace the fluorescent tube lighting that is ubiquitous in offices and industrial facilities, the new TLED (tube-style light emitting diode) has the potential to reduce worldwide energy consumption by more than 7%.Innovation in the LED lighting industry is generally measured in terms of two categories - cost reductions and efficiency improvements. The former is reflected in the final price tag. The latter is measured in terms of "lumens per watt," describing the amount of visible light that a source emits at a certain rate of energy consumption. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to del.icio.us Email this Article



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04/13/2013, 09:18

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04/13/2013, 08:01