EPA Nominee Gina McCarthy Stymied By Republican Boycott

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2013-05-10


When a U.S. president nominates a candidate to take over the top spot at a major government agency such as the Defense Department, at least a few senators--usually from the opposing party--raise some objections, if for no other reason than to show that they will not rubber-stamp anyone the president proposes.But yesterday Republicans boycotted a vote on Gina McCarthy , President Barack Obama's nominee to become the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. She would fill the spot left by Lisa Jackson, who stepped down. McCarthy faced little dissent when the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held confirmation hearings in April. But just before the committee's scheduled vote on her nomination yesterday, which would have sent her name to the full Senate for a final confirmation, all eight Republicans on the committee of 18 failed to show up. Under Senate rules, the vote could not be taken. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to del.icio.us Email this Article



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05/10/2013, 12:50