Your Meat Should Be Raised on Insects, U.N. Says
Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2013-06-06
[caption id="attachment_12913" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Enviroflight makes animal feed from black solider fly larvae. Credit: Thomas Shahan"] [/caption]There has been a lot of press, both positive and negative , about a recent United Nations report in which scientists recommended that we start eating insects to fight world hunger. But the other U.N. recommendation--that farmers should consider feeding insects to poultry and aquacultured fish--did not garner nearly as much attention, despite seeming more feasible. After all, when given the opportunity, fish and chickens readily eat insects . And there is no shortage of literature on their high nutritional value and ease of breeding. But if feeding insects to animals presents so many advantages, why aren't we doing it already? [More]