On tap for Monday: coverage of the US and France energy conference from Austin

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2012-12-14


A quick heads up: I'll be covering an energy conference here in Austin on Monday called Comparative Energy Policies and Technologies in France and the USA . As the title says, the conference will focus on how the United States and France have developed different strategies to reach similar goals of having safe, clean, and reliable energy. For example, France is routinely used as an example of a country having a successful nuclear program, whereas nuclear energy in the United States has stalled since the late 1970s and early 1980s. Also, cheap American natural gas is shaking up the global energy landscape thanks to fracking, while American coal is making its way to power plants and factories in Europe. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to del.icio.us Email this Article



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12/14/2012, 11:44

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12/14/2012, 11:00