Weekend Reading: What We Know About Climate Change

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2013-01-18


Over the long MLK weekend (in the US), I'll be reading Kerry Emanuel's new book "What We Know About Climate Change". Dr. Emanuel, you might recall, is the MIT climate researcher who coproduced the video urging us to find common ground on climate change. His book, now in its second edition, is an everyman's guide about the science of climate change: an overview of the stuff we do know (scientifically), while also being upfront about what we don't know.After I posted Dr. Emanuel's video earlier this week , I was inundated with feedback - overwhelmingly negative - about climate change science and the role of humans in the whole thing. The comments and my inbox were full of conspiracy theories about how climate change researchers fabricate the whole issue to secure grant funds (for those cushy professorial jobs !), and a flat out denial of the greenhouse gas effect (!!). [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to del.icio.us Email this Article



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01/18/2013, 21:02

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01/18/2013, 15:29