Slaying the Email Beast
ProfHacker 2018-03-21
We’ve written a lot about email here on ProfHacker, unsurprisingly. As those of you who follow me on Twitter know, I’m a “all the tabs open, all the files in one pile, never ever ever inbox zero” kind of person. I am also a hoarder of media, in all forms (see my post on getting rid of books, for example, where I still have books, or couldn’t pull the trigger on deleting tweets). I have used 60% of my gmail space, which means I have A LOT of email just sitting in my inbox. No, literally. I don’t even archive. It’s all just there in my inbox.
My New Year’s Resolution this year was to unsubscribe to anything and everything that was no longer relevant to me (I don’t live in Tallahassee anymore and I haven’t for years, and I yet I still get event notifications). I’ve always been too lazy, and so I would just delete. Instead, I committed to unsubscribing. My inbox has been so much less cluttered and busy, but that didn’t fix the problem of the emails I’ve already received.
I know the privacy risks. I know that google is mining the sh*t out of my emails. Audrey Watters wrote about her own practice now of deleting social media posts and emails. One “clever” way I have kept a email manageable to a certain degree is to just keep changing jobs, so the email just disappears (or at least I lose access, I am a terrible digital citizen). But I have recently decided that it was time to get rid of some of the most egregious emails that somehow were still in my inbox.
From the reaction on Twitter, you’d think I’d discovered something monumental, which I guess I had, and it is why I am writing about it. So what did I do? I used google’s own advanced search features to target emails for deletion. I think what happens is that people get intimidated about how many emails they have as well as worried about deleting something they’ll need later. I’m just lazy. So I searched certain keywords for deletion, such as:
unsubscribe (this one broke the delete everything function)
shipment notification
order confirmation
track package
flight confirmation (do I still need the flight confirmation for my on-campus interview in 2008? NOPE)
hotel confirmation
I also used the predictive text to find companies or listservs or addresses to search for and bulk delete. It was liberating to get rid of all of these emails that were literally useless to me.
Well, mostly. I did delete two sets of concert tickets that are coming up. But I can login to my account to access those (as long as I remembered to put it on my calendar so I know WHEN I’m supposed to go…). While it didn’t make that much of a dent in the grand scheme of my ridiculous inbox, it did provide me with some tangible “wins” and motivation to keep going and find a way, besides nuking my inbox from space, to get a handle on my email archives.
How do you manage your email archives?
[Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash under a search for "email." Seems appropriate.]