Slaying the Email Beast

ProfHacker 2018-03-21



We’ve written a lot about email here on ProfHacker, unsurprisingly.  As those of you who follow me on Twitter know, I’m a “all the tabs open, all the files in one pile, never ever ever inbox zero” kind of person. I am also a hoarder of media, in all forms (see my post on getting rid of books, for example, where I still have books, or couldn’t pull the trigger on deleting tweets). I have used 60% of my gmail space, which means I have A LOT of email just sitting in my inbox. No, literally. I don’...


From feeds:

#edutech » ProfHacker



Lee Skallerup Bessette

Date tagged:

03/21/2018, 22:09

Date published:

03/21/2018, 08:00