A Flourishing Internet Depends on Competition

Deeplinks 2024-10-18


Antitrust law has long recognized that monopolies stifle innovation and gouge consumers on price. When it comes to Big Tech, harm to innovation—in the form of  “kill zones,” where major corporations buy up new entrants to a market before they can compete with them—has been easy to find. Consumer harms have been harder to quantify, since a lot of services the Big Tech companies offer are “free.” This is why we must move beyond price as the major determinator of consumer harm. And once that’s done, it’s easier to see even greater benefits competition brings to the greater internet ecosystem. 

In the decades since the internet entered our lives, it has changed from a wholly new and untested environment to one where a few major players dominate everyone's experience. Policymakers have been slow to adapt and have equated what's good for the whole internet with what is good for those companies. Instead of a balanced ecosystem, we have a monoculture. We need to eliminate the build up of power around the giants and instead have fertile soil for new growth.

Content Moderation 

In content moderation, for example, it’s basically rote for experts to say that content moderation is impossible at scale. Facebook reports over three billion active users and is available in over 100 languages. However, Facebook is an American company that primarily does its business in English. Communication, in every culture, is heavily dependent on context. Even if it was hiring experts in every language it is in, which it manifestly is not, the company itself runs on American values. Being able to choose a social media service rooted in your own culture and language is important. It’s not that people have to choose that service, but it’s important that they have the option.  

This sometimes happens in smaller fora. For example, the knitting website Ravelry, a central hub for patterns and discussions about yarn, banned all discussions about then-President Donald Trump in 2019, as it was getting toxic. A number of disgruntled users banded together to make their disallowed content available in other places. 

In a competitive landscape, instead of demanding that Facebook or Twitter, or YouTube have the exact content rules you want, you could pick a service with the ones you want. If you want everything protected by the First Amendment, you could find it. If you want an environment with clear rules, consistently enforced, you could find that. Especially since smaller platforms could actually enforce its rules, unlike the current behemoths.  

Product Quality 

The same thing applies to product quality and the “enshittification” of platforms. Even if all of Facebook’s users spoke the same language, that’s no guarantee that they share the same values, needs, or wants. But, Facebook is an American company and it conducts its business largely in English and according to American cultural norms. As it is, Facebook’s feeds are designed to maximize user engagement and time on the service. Some people may like the recommendation algorithm, but other may want the traditional chronological feed. There’s no incentive for Facebook to offer the choice because it is not concerned with losing users to a competitor that does. It’s concerned with being able to serve as many ads to as many people as possible. In general, Facebook lacks user controls that would allow people to customize their experience on the site. That includes the ability to reorganize your feed to be chronological, to eliminate posts from anyone you don’t know, etc. There may be people who like the current, ad-focused algorithm, but no one else can get a product they would like. 

Another obvious example is how much the experience of googling something has deteriorated. It’s almost hack to complain about it now, but when when



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Katharine Trendacosta

Date tagged:

10/18/2024, 20:38

Date published:

10/18/2024, 16:28