What Do You Want From Copyright? Tell the EU now and Change the Future of Global Innovation Policy | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Current Berkman People and Projects 2014-01-07


A rare opportunity to change the path of copyright in Europe has emerged, but there's not much time to take advantage of it. The European Commission (EC) has opened up for public comment copyright policy across the European Union for the first time in 15 years. This means that, for once, students, artists, librarians, businesses, Internet users, and everyone in between will have an equal chance to influence future proposals for copyright legislation in Europe. The Commission's 80-question 'Public Consultation on the Review of the EU Copyright Rules,' attempts to cover all areas of users' and creators' experiences. The survey was not widely publicized, and the Commission only gave 60 days (including the winter holidays!) for your comments. The final deadline is February 5th. Spending a few hours trying to comprehend the footnotes of a thirty-page bureaucratic questionnaire isn't everybody's idea of a fun New Year. Fortunately, to make informing the EU easier, a workshop at this year's Chaos Communication Congress created this simple, three minute guided walk-though for the rest of us. Copywrongs.eu allows you to choose one of the many categories of problems you have encountered with copyright in Europe, and sends you to another page to fill in your own unique comments, which will be re-formatted to fit the original forms. We encourage you to return to the main page and check off different kinds of concerns you have and fill those out too. This isn't just an ordinary Internet survey. We know that these consultations are used as source material in internal policy arguments for and against copyright reform. The more comments the Commission receive about the problems with over-restrictive copyright rules, the harder it will be for them to ignore it as an issue. While this process is a welcome improvement from having no opportunity for public input, La Quadrature du Net notes that the process is still far from perfect. In addition to the extremely short response period, many of the 80 questions are framed in a way that still seem to lead the reader toward proposals that could seriously harm the underlying function of the Internet ..."



From feeds:

Fair Use Tracker » Deeplinks
CLS / ROC » Deeplinks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com



Maira Sutton and Maira Sutton

Date tagged:

01/07/2014, 15:12

Date published:

01/07/2014, 14:02