ScholCommLab Visiting Scholar Program 2018/2019 (Funded to Canada) | Opportunity Desk
lkfitz's bookmarks 2018-08-21
"Applications are invited for the ScholCommLab Visiting Scholar Program 2018/2019. Faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students (enrolled full-time at an accredited institution) are invited to work on a joint research project during a research stay at either of the lab’s two locations in Ottawa and Vancouver, Canada."
"Collaborations are welcome on any topic related to scholarly communication, but especially on areas related to current ScholCommLab projects, such as:
- Academic review, tenure, and promotion, and the reward system of science;
- Altmetrics, including the quantitative and qualitative analysis of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and other social media engagement related to scholarly documents;
- Metrics literacy, developing online material to educate researchers and research administrators about bibliometrics, usage metric, altmetrics, and technometrics;
- Open access and open science, including the analysis of scholarly communication and the academic publishing landscape;
- Science communication, including mapping the landscape of Canadian science communicators and writers;
- Societal impact of science and social media, including mixed-method and theoretical approaches to public engagement with research online."