Open access journals gaining more support | Aptara

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-05-04


"Over the past few years, there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not research publications should operate with an open source format. Many believe that this approach facilitates better discoverability and collaboration. Others argue that it would threaten the integrity and quality of journals. University World News recently reported that, this month, two significant measures were taken that work in favor of those who believe the scholarly and scientific publications should be moved to open access platforms. The first move was taken by The Max Planck Society, which released an Expression of Interest calling on industry professionals to support the 'swift and efficient transition for the benefit of scholarship and society at large.' Among the list of its 30 signatories include the Spanish National Research Council, the European University Association, the Austrian Science Fund, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the German Research Foundation and the German Rectors' Conference. The second step taken to back open access journals came from Springer Nature, only a day later, the news source revealed. The organization said it would be placing an extension on its site to allow research articles to be accessed by both researchers within the STM community and the general public, free of charge ..."


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05/04/2016, 11:38

Date published:

05/04/2016, 07:38