An Elsevier African Megajournal Proposal Re-colonizing the university in Africa? –

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-06-24


"In 2015, South African universities saw widespread student protests against a neocolonial heritage at universities that stood accused of a lack of post-apartheid transformation in institutional ethos, curriculum, and racial demographics. Operating under a number of hashtags, such as #RhodesMustFall, #DecoloniseTheUniversity and #FeesMustFall, the one issue that no-one seemed to speak about was the influence of the scholarly publishing system, which has a strong influence on faculty reward and promotion  systems., entrenching many of the trends that students were protesting against. A series of blogs will explore the political economy of scholarly publishing and the role of Open Access in South Africa at a crucial time in its university history."


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Tags: oa.south_africa oa.elsevier oa.history oa.journals oa.south oa.humanities oa.ssh

Date tagged:

06/24/2016, 13:07

Date published:

06/24/2016, 09:07