What’s an OER? | 3 | lsa summer vocation 2016

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-07-08


As I am interning for an educational resources company, my goal was: to learn as much as I could about OER, find out which companies offer OER, and see what the possible future of OER is. For this project, I was completely unsupervised and allowed to make this project into whatever I wanted it to be. In the end, I made a detailed report about OER and was able to present it to some of my coworkers.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » juschuetze's bookmarks


oa.new oa.education oa.oer

Date tagged:

07/08/2016, 18:45

Date published:

07/08/2016, 14:45