Open science, accessible science?

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-07-29


As I prepared to travel to Manchester earlier this week for the 2016 European Science Open Forum (ESOF), I had an unwanted extra item on my to-do list: working out, in detail, whether it was physically possible for me to attend. My problem was my foot: a few weeks ago, I broke it, and as ESOF approached, it became clear that my injury wouldn’t heal in time. I was wary of trying to do a conference on crutches, but the reassuring responses to my queries (yes, my hotel had accessible rooms; yes, the venue for the conference, Manchester Central, was “very accessible”) convinced me that it would be okay. So I headed off to Manchester last Sunday for two days of science talks – and got an eye-opening lesson on what it’s like to attend a scientific conference with a physical disability.


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Tags: oa.esof oa.accessibility oa.personal_experience oa.disability oa.critique oa.all_male_panels oa.panels oa.dei

Date tagged:

07/29/2016, 11:04

Date published:

07/29/2016, 07:04