Wellcome Open Research: A new open-access publishing initiative โ€“ Biotechin.Asia

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-08-04


A new open-access research publishing journal is months away from being launched, and it has the potential to dramatically impact the landscape of the scientific publishing process for biomedical research and beyond. Dubbed Wellcome Open Research, the up and coming journal provides an alternative to the current method in which scientific papers are published.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป juschuetze's bookmarks


oa.new oa.wellcome oa.uk oa.europe oa.publications oa.gold oa.biology oa.medcine oa.impact oa.business_models oa.peer_review oa.journals

Date tagged:

08/04/2016, 12:19

Date published:

08/04/2016, 08:19