Johns Hopkins University joins OLH LPS model | Open Library of Humanities

juschuetze's bookmarks 2016-08-12


We are extremely pleased to announce that Johns Hopkins University has joined the Open Library of Humanities’ Library Partnership Subsidy system. Founded over 140 years ago, for the past 36 years Johns Hopkins University has spent more money on research than any other U.S. academic institution. The Open Library of Humanities is an academic-led, gold open-access publisher with no author-facing charges.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » juschuetze's bookmarks

Tags: oa.ssh oa.universities oa.libraries oa.collaboration oa.subsidies oa.hei oa.journals

Date tagged:

08/12/2016, 09:54

Date published:

08/12/2016, 05:54