California Senate Passes Surveillance Transparency Bill
Deeplinks 2017-06-22
A bill to shine light on law enforcement surveillance technology has passed out of the California State Senate. Now the battle begins in the California Assembly.
S.B. 21 would require all police surveillance technology purchases and policies to go through a public approval process. That means a city council or board of supervisors could veto a proposed technology or demand a change in policy, whether it be for drones, license plate readers, or face recognition. Under the bill, law enforcement agencies would also produce transparency reports every two years regarding the equipment they've acquired. If we're successful, California will lead the country in accountability for police technology.
More than 800 Californians sent emails to their state senators urging support for S.B. 21, and it paid off. The bill passed on a solid 21-15 margin.
Now let's do it again.
Tell your member of the state Assembly to support S.B. 21.
If you used our tool already to contact your state senator, we thank you, but you should take the action a second time. Now our tool will direct you to your member of the California Assembly.
If this is your first time hearing about S.B. 21, I recommend EFF's recent op-ed in the San Diego Union-Tribune. For a firsthand account of surveillance oversight, check out this illuminating letter from former Lemon Grove Mayor Mary Sessom in support of S.B. 21.
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