Looking for the Answer to the Question, "Do I Really Own the Digital Media I Paid For?"
internetcases » cases 2024-11-26
Sure, buying your favorite video game, movie, or album online is super convenient. I personally love being able to pre-order a game and play it the night of release, without needing to go to a store.
But something you may not have thought about before making your purchase are the differences between owning a physical or digital copy of that media. Unfortunately, there’s quite a few rights you give up by purchasing a digital copy of your favorite game, movie, or album! On our new site, Digital Rights Bytes, we outline the differences between owning physical and digital media, and why we need to break down that barrier.
Digital Rights Bytes explains this and answers other common questions about technology that may be getting on your nerves and includes short videos featuring adorable animals. You can also read up on what EFF is doing to ensure you actually own the digital media you pay for, and how you can take action, too.
Got other questions you’d like us to answer in the future? Let us know on your favorite social platform using the hashtag #DigitalRightsBytes.
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/10/looking-answer-question-do-i-really-own-digital-media-i-paidFrom feeds:
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