Voices of Refugees: Information and Communication Needs of Refugees in Greece and Germany | The Communication Initiative Network

thomwithoutanh's bookmarks 2016-08-03


Research for this report was carried out in April 2016 (a month in which it was estimated that 46,000 refugees and migrants were stranded in Greece). A total of 66 refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq participated in the qualitative study in formal and informal camps in Greece. An additional 13 interviews took place in Germany - capturing the voices of those who had completed their journey. A total of 16 focus group discussions (FGDs) were also conducted. Participants were asked to tell the story of their journey so far, focusing particularly on the information and communication they needed and used at different stages. In-depth interviews with 41 humanitarian actors in Greece and 4 in Germany captured their understanding of refugees' communication needs. In April 2016, humanitarian agency staff in Greece reviewed the research findings. They discussed possible ways to better meet refugees' current information and communication needs. (See the appendices for full details of the research process.)



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Date tagged:

08/03/2016, 08:50

Date published:

08/03/2016, 04:50