Telegram stalking | Hacker News
thomwithoutanh's bookmarks 2016-08-12
You claim to be open and secure, but taking a closer look that doesn't seem to be true. Your API is open and the client apps were released as open source, but your server-side code remains closed source. It's been 2 years now and you still haven't open sourced the server. Do you still plan to release it? You say that you will eventually add paid options, which doesn't seem to be compatible to open-sourcing the server.
t's also not clear at all who runs Telegram. All your website says is that it's financially supported by Pavel Durov and technically supported by Nikolai Durov. Your official apps and AS Networks are registered by " Telegram Messenger LLP" or "Telegram LLP" and your website claims your headquarters are based in Berlin, although no such company seems to be registered in the EU. You are legally required to publish your address and contact information to comply with German law §5 TMG. Additionally, both the LLP's and Nikolai's address are apparently at (different) British P.O. boxes. Is Nikolai the only developer or are there more? How are the official maintainers related to the LLP? Are they paid? Are they employees? Are there any employees at all? Who runs the company?