SMS Platforms Compared | Social Media for Good

thomwithoutanh's bookmarks 2016-08-12


this has given rise to a large number of SMS platforms, making it difficult for project managers to decide which is the most appropriate. To help UNHCR make these decisions for their health-related activities, CartONG contacted me some months ago and asked me to compare some of the more established platforms. The report was published while I was on mission in Greece, which is why I’m a little slow to share it with you here. In total, nine SMS platforms made it into the final report: Commcare, Echo Mobile, FrontlineSMS, Magpi, TeleRivet, TERA, TextIt aka RapidPro and Voto Mobile.


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Date tagged:

08/12/2016, 05:31

Date published:

08/12/2016, 01:31