Open Access tra legislazione, oligopoli e valutazione. II Convegno AISA (27-28 ottobre) – ROARS
alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-26
[Google Translation]
Open Access between Legislation, Oligopoly and Assessment. The AISA Conference (27-28 October)
The 27th and 28th of October 2016 is held at the University of Trieste, the second annual meeting of the association. Italian and foreign rapporteurs from scientific research, university publishing and institutions (CRUI and ANVUR) and ROARS will animate a reflection aimed at outlining the evolution of Open Science in Italy and abroad. At the center of reflection two aspects of the institutional dimension of open science: publishing and evaluation. The Trieste conference also offers the possibility of discussing the proposed amendment to the Italian Copyright Law drafted by AISA, which is intended to give the authors of scientific publications the right to republish and communicate to the public, open access, own works. Inspired by the most advanced German, Dutch and French regulations.