Exploring collaborative non-commercial publishing models for Open Access: Apply to perform a study | Plan S
djpadula5's bookmarks 2020-03-27
cOAlition S publishes today, 27 March 2020, a call for an informed study containing an analysis and overview of collaborative non-commercial (aka “Diamond”) publishing journals and platforms. The study is financially supported by Science Europe. The objective is to identify ways to support publishing initiatives wishing to implement Diamond business models. The study should address the following objectives: Provide an analysis of the global landscape of collaborative non-commercial journals and platforms, charting their variety, scope, and impact in various disciplines and regions, their scientific and editorial quality assurance practices, and the challenges they face. Identify the extent to which authors and their collaborators do publish in non-APC Open Access journals and platforms, and trends over time Identify the current funding models for collaborative non-commercial journals and platforms. Identify scholarly publishing sectors where efficiency gains, collaboration, and training in terms of shared services or infrastructure are required. Identify the main challenges faced by collaborative non-commercial journals and platforms in meeting the needs of Open Access policies and industry-standard operational and technical requirements and formulate recommendations to overcome these challenges. Provide an action plan and recommendations for principles and funding mechanisms with agreed, equitable, transparent, efficient and effective ways for a range of actors to co-finance relevant collaborative non-commercial non-APC journals and platforms. Responding to this call The full description of the rationale and requirements for this call as well as the application form are available within the “Diamond OA study pack”. Providers who wish to apply should complete the template (pages 4-6) and send it to info@coalition-s.org, no later than 24 April 2020.
https://www.coalition-s.org/exploring-collaborative-non-commercial-publishing-models-for-open-access/From feeds:
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