‘A New Approach’ update

Australian Academy of the Humanities 2018-12-04

On behalf of A New Approach, I am delighted to provide an update on the initiative.

An important meeting of A New Approach’s Steering Committee took place in early September. The Committee discussed the development of the program of work and is chaired by the Academy’s President Professor Joy Damousi FASSA FAHA with representatives from the funding partners The Myer Foundation and Keir Family Foundation.

One of the key outcomes of the Steering Committee is confirmation of the focus and immediate direction for A New Approach.

A New Approach is an independent think tank championing effective investment and return in Australian arts and culture.

We recognise that without an independent voice leading a broad and accessible conversation about the benefits of a rich creative and cultural life, Australia risks missing out. A New Approach wants to ensure opportunities are seized for the better realisation of the economic, social, cultural and personal benefits that Australian arts and cultural activities provide.

The think tank is focused on an independent research and public advocacy agenda committed to investigating, capturing and sharing data and stories regarding:

  • The diverse benefits of arts and cultural activity.
  • Why and how public funding and private investment decisions are made.
  • Current and potential approaches to public and private investment in cultural activity and assets.
  • The consequences and costs of not investing in arts and culture.

Our ambition is to strengthen bipartisan, business and wider community support for arts and culture and champion the prospects of:

  • People who live in and visit all parts of Australia having opportunity to experience, enjoy and value everyday cultural experiences;
  • Our elected representatives and their advisors having access to relevant research and evidence to ensure public investment across Australia in arts and culture is effective, confident, responsible, fair and globally competitive;
  • Australia’s vibrant creators and researchers, cultural institutions and organisations operating in a public environment which recognises and invests in the benefits of cultural activity and celebrates creative achievements; and
  • Private investors—including philanthropic, corporate and cultural entrepreneurs— having easier access to rigorous and contemporary information about the benefits of effective investment in arts and culture in Australia.

To ensure our work is current and well-informed we will continue engaging with peak bodies, government agencies and sector events to understand the challenges and opportunities.

To learn more about A New Approach please see our Frequently Asked Questions.  You can subscribe for updates and contact the program via NewApproach@humanities.org.au

We look forward to sharing news of our progress in the coming months.

Until next time,

Kate Fielding

Program Director

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