Lecturer in Caribbean Literatures and Cultures - United Kingdom

Simple RSS Document 2022-04-21


The role The Department of English at the University of Bristol seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Caribbean Literatures and Cultures (Pathway 1, level b). We seek an outstanding colleague with... critical approaches. They will play an active role in the Department of English and the wider School of Humanities within the Faculty of Arts at Bristol. The potential to contribute to the Faculty of Arts’ interdisciplinary MA in Black Humanities, Research Centres in Black Humanities or Environmental Humanities, or the University’s Migration Mobilities Bristol Institute, will be welcome. We nurture



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ArtsHums » globalacademyjobs.com- literature
ArtsHums » globalacademyjobs.com-humanities


humanities dh academy

Date tagged:

04/21/2022, 05:45

Date published:

04/21/2022, 06:45