Guest Post - Transparency: What Can One Learn from a Trove of Invoices? - The Scholarly Kitchen

openacrs's bookmarks 2019-11-10


Transparency has been a key topic in recent discussions of open access (OA) at conferences such as ALA Midwinter, ACRL, R2R, SSP, ALPSP, and COASP. The expectation is that a more open landscape might shed light on costs and prices, and even bring market pressures to bear on prices to more generally align with costs and values. Take Plan S, for example; its 6th of 10 principles is all about transparency. And on the day before COASP a consortium of publishers and research organizations met to discuss what a transparent transition to OA might look like.



11/10/2019, 00:11

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11/10/2019, 05:11

Date published:

11/07/2019, 00:11