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openacrs's bookmarks 2020-02-01


Designing Open Science Training

INTERNSHIP OFFER: Project manager (1 month),  application deadline: 03/15/2020 Within the framework of the National Plan for Open Science and in accordance with the commitments of the Coordination of French Research Intensive Universities - the libraries of the University of Paris are running a project aimed at designing and implementing open science training adjusted to students and staff, with a special focus on PhD students. The project is part of the university's open science roadmap.

The intern will be responsible for:

  • identifying and comparing the skills benchmarks and training in open science, in France and abroad,
  • identifying the existing training and support,
  • defining proposals in terms of skills benchmarks,
  • defining recommendations for the implementation of an open science training course for PhD students and adjusting it for other target audiences.



02/01/2020, 07:09

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.french oa.france oa.competencies oa.open_science oa.internship

Date tagged:

02/01/2020, 12:09

Date published:

01/29/2020, 07:09