Les jeunes chercheurs préfèrent les sites illégaux aux bibliothèques universitaires pour se documenter | Archimag

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-02-01


The current model of scientific publishing in academic journals does not satisfy researchers. This is revealed by the Couperin 2019 survey published this month on the Publication and open access practices of French researchers in 2019. The report also reveals that 60% of researchers younger than 35 say they use illegal sites for information.

The paywalls, which limit researchers' access to information - leads them to find alternative solutions. "All means are good to access the full text," said the Couperin consortium in the summary of its survey. While 90% of the respondents do not give up their search when access was not available, less than 5% chose the paid solution offered by the publisher. Half of the respondents used the scientific network (request from authors or request for copies from fellow subscribers or libraries). This practice was complemented with searching legal platforms (open archives or social networks), as well as the illegal ones. .




02/01/2020, 08:38

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Date tagged:

02/01/2020, 13:38

Date published:

01/28/2020, 08:38