The Code4Lib Journal – Visualizing Fedora-managed TEI and MEI documents within Islandora
openacrs's bookmarks 2020-02-17
The Early Modern Songscapes (EMS) project [1] represents a development partnership between the University of Toronto Scarborough’s Digital Scholarship Unit (DSU), the University of Maryland, and the University of South Carolina. Developers, librarians and faculty from both institutions have collaborated on an intermedia online platform designed to support the scholarly investigation of early modern English song. The first iteration of the platform, launched at the Early modern Songscapes Conference, held February 8-9, 2019 at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, serves Fedora-held Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) documents through a JavaScript viewer capable of being embedded within the Islandora digital asset management framework. The viewer presents versions of a song’s musical notation and textual underlay followed by the entire song text. This article reviews the status of this technology, and the process of developing an XML framework for TEI and MEI editions that would serve the requirements of all stakeholder technologies. Beyond the applicability of this technology in other digital scholarship contexts, the approach may serve others seeking methods for integrating technologies into Islandora or working across institutional development environments.