The Publishing Trap! A game of scholarly communication | Impact of Social Sciences

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-03-04


n a complex, evolving scholarly communications environment, it is more important than ever for researchers to have access to information and support resources relating to copyright and intellectual property rights. However, many among the academic community continue to view copyright as something of a problem and difficult to engage with. Experimenting with new ways to communicate and critically examine the challenges and opportunities copyright presents to researchers, Chris Morrison and Jane Secker have created The Publishing Trap, an exciting new board game through which players learn about the relationship between knowledge, impact, and money, and how choices they make about their intellectual property will prove central to their academic success.



03/04/2020, 14:02

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Date tagged:

03/04/2020, 19:02

Date published:

10/28/2017, 15:02