The new normal - Utrecht University

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-03-17


The road to new normal, as dean Isabel Arends calls is, has begun. Open Science is a hot topic for Utrecht University. The Executive Board has even set up an Open Science Programme to make science more open and more reliable, efficient and relevant to society. Open Science is part of the university's Strategic Plan. And Utrecht University recently signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA): a declaration that states that the way scientific output is evaluated should be improved, and should not revolve around impact factors. Open science is becoming the new normal. "Every now and then you come across a dinosaur", says Erik van Sebille. "But we all know what happened to the dinosaurs."



03/17/2020, 16:01

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Date tagged:

03/17/2020, 20:01

Date published:

03/02/2020, 15:01