The Evolving Landscape of Research Access and its Impact on the Global South - The Scholarly Kitchen

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-03-28


Over the past few years there have been encouraging signs of increased awareness about the need for equity in research – for example, looking at broadening geographical participation and increasing opportunities for groups of people who have often been marginalized. As Scholarly Kitchen posts regularly share, the past few years have also seen significant changes in research and publishing worldwide. These changes have come as a result of changing researchers’ and research funders’ needs and preferences, the expectations of potential research users, and the technologies that underpin the research and publishing process.



03/28/2020, 01:39

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

03/28/2020, 05:39

Date published:

02/07/2019, 00:39