An Early Look at the Impact of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Journals Warning List - The Scholarly Kitchen

openacrs's bookmarks 2021-04-18


On the last day of 2020, the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued the first Early Warning List of International Journals. While it includes just 65 journals, the list disproportionately targets journals that are fully open access (OA) and attract a high volume of Chinese content in absolute or relative terms, notably IEEE Access, several titles published by MDPI, and four from Hindawi. It has been three full months since the Warning List’s release, and the impact is already visible on publication volumes. For example, IEEE Access has had its worst quarter since early 2019 and MDPI’s listed journals are getting less content from China. As Europe doubles down on OA with initiatives such as Plan S, the Chinese administration, intentionally or not, seems to have chosen a different direction. The Warning List serves to remind that global cooperation among policy makers is just as likely as a policy rift. International publishers who try to accommodate conflicting regional policies may find themselves caught in the crossfire.



04/18/2021, 06:54

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.china oa.policies oa.fees oa.blacklists oa.mdpi oa.hindawi oa.predatory oa.quality oa.journals

Date tagged:

04/18/2021, 10:26

Date published:

04/14/2021, 06:54